20 January 2012


I have just returned from an amazing trip in the Pirinei mountains and I am currently trying to sleep off the exhaustion and plan some new posts, including all the great photos I took over there.
But as I was planning how to share the photos, I took a break to read IFB's latest articles and this particular title made me tremble : "How will SOPA/PIPA affect you fashion blog". I had already found out about the bill, but it hadn't quite struck me until this particular article.
What made me even more angry was the fact that, when I decided to join the petition (which I encourage you to sign right here), I couldn't. Why? Well, because they did not accept my zip code. And that because I am not currently residing in the USA.
Is that fair? I don't think so. You cannot issue a law that will affect the good function of the internet, not in a society where absolutely everything is based on the internet!
So go read IFB's article here and let's turn this around.

I love my blog and I want to keep the world it belongs to intact!

1 comment:

  1. Hi. The bigger issue is now in Europe, over ACTA, an equally stupid act on wich they will pass laws even worst than PIPA and SOPA since june this year! Here's some info on how to fight this act and raise awareness


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