There are some memories which you extremely cherrish. And then there are those that you don't regret, but nevermind if forget. And last but not least, there are those which you don't know how you feel like about.
This is how I feel about one of my most recent experiences : the International Session of the EYP. A top class session, where the best get selected : a dream come true, right?
Memories that will never cease to make me cry at the taught of the 10 great days I spent with some of my best friends surely surpass any problems that we have encountered.
Part 2, tomorrow.
Felicitari pentru partipare! Stiu ce greu e sa te intorci la viata normala dupa o asemenea experienta:( Amintirile sunt cele mai de pret comori.
ReplyDeleteFoarte frumoasa tinuta ta!