22 January 2013


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I just turned 19. It happened yesterday and it was one of the most amazing days of my life. Not to be bragging, but feeling so much love around me isn't something I experience on a daily basis, even though I am surrounded by awesome people every day.
As you can see, this is a little bit of a personal post and is not accompanied by too many pictures, just a couple of the gifts I got yesterday. I am a little bit selfish and I adore getting gifts. The enthusiasm upon opening the sexy paper wrap is overwhelming.
But coming back to reality, I have only thanks for all the people that remembered my birthday yesterday ( and to Facebook), people who have simply changed my life one way or another in the past year, who have been there for me in both my good moments and in my bad ones, to Prince Charming, who is my favorite person alive, to my best friend, to my most adorable "sisters" from all corners of the world, to my dog and to everyone that has read my blog at least once in the past years. Thank you all so much for making my life exactly as I like it! Thank you for the moments and memories you've created with me and for me!


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