3 June 2012

Chicken Noodles

Being stuck by yourself at home with no money and a growling stomach after a 12 hour sleep is no bed of roses, but if you're a crafty individual, you should remember the "all time college kid resource": instant food. My personal favourite? Chicken noodle soup. As unhealthy as it might be, it's really filling and has the same taste as my grandma's home-made vermicelli one. 
A big plus is the fact that it only requires :
- a bag of Snacky Noodles (these are from Knor, but Rollton has some great varieties too)
- boiling water
- 10 minutes to spare
The first step is to get the ingredients out of the bag and pour the contents of the little bag on the stack of noodles. Meanwhile, your water is on the stove (and we're talking of the same quantity you use to make a big cup of tea), heating to the point of boiling.  When the water has reached 100 degrees, pour it over the noodles and wait for around 3 to 5 minutes. Et voila! Your chicken noodle soup is ready to be eaten and you just saved precious time and money! Point plus for college students!


  1. Am avut o colega in facultate care manca cu regularitate supe instant. Sincera sa fiu nu am avut niciodata curiozitatea sa le incerc pentru ca in mintea mea este ideea ca sunt artificiale si nesanatoase. Poate ma insel. Daca as fi abolut nevoita poate as incerca, altfel nu.



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