2 January 2013

Marvel of Light

The Shoependant You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.
C. S. Lewis

As I said yesterday, I am in love with starting over. As much as I sometimes crave for indulging in a sedentary daily routine, usually I adore a new challenge. This is why, this year, I've challenged myself to attain everything I've wanted and dreamed of so far and haven't quite got a grasp on. I've learned some lessons in the past couple of months and here's my advice to you:

You might touch your dreams over night, but you might never. Unless you work for it, one step at a time, until you can embrace the true taste of success.

For me, the small steps refer not only to my blog and this year, as you can see, I'm going steady, posting on a schedule and keeping my promises. I am going to rely on my creativity and whit and not allow my procrasting nature to take over.
So here it is, my first outfit post of the year, showcasing what I wore for a small NYE party. Also, in these pictures you can better observe what I did to my hair! I chose to dye my hair according to the ombre trend, mostly because I felt the need to change something about my looks and because it's not high maintenance.

Stay tuned for a couple of more changes/surprises/love!

The Shoependant

The Shoependant

The Shoependant

The Shoependant

The Shoependant


The Shoependant

The Shoependant

The Shoependant

The Shoependant

The Shoependant

The Shoependant

The Shoependant

The Shoependant

The Shoependant

The Shoependant

The Shoependant

The Shoependant

The Shoependant

The Shoependant

The Shoependant

The Shoependant

The Shoependant

The Shoependant

The Shoependant

Shirt: LC Waikiki
Jeans: C&A
Necklace: Clockhouse
Ring: Clockhouse
Shoes: Paolo Bocelli
Bag: Paolo Bocelli
Coat: Camaieu


  1. Great necklace and shirt! +extra love for the ombre hair! <3

  2. Cute shirt & boots & bag! Happy New Year!


  3. Love this top! Looks so pretty with the patches of snow!

    xo Ashley

  4. Thanks, guys! I'm so glad you like my shirt! It was a little bit of an experiment :)


  5. the bag and the necklace is awesome :)

  6. You look great! Love your boots and shirt!

    Happy New Year, Alexandra! :)


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