Hey,my dears! So long , no see. I've had some trouble with my internet connection and a lot of studying to do, so that sort of compensates for my lack of updates.
Today's a pretty boring day, full of learning and drinking coffee and ,well, taking photos on a coffee rush. It's not the wisest idea, but keeps my energy under control. Anyway, I've been thinking of what books I liked most from all the books I've read, and I think that a great nominee is "Coco Chanel" , that is why I took a photo of me reading it. Plus , since Valentine's Day was a couple of days ago, I decided I should shoe you who my Valentine is : she is my 11-year-old dog and her name is Oli. I adore her,and who else can be my Valentine if not her ?
Oh,and remember the article I told you about ? Here it is! It appeared a couple of days ago and I am incredibly proud !And because of that, I realized how many Romanian fashion bloggers really are, so I will start,from this post, to write my posts in Romanian too ,make it more accesible to the Romanian public.
Salut,dragii mei! Nu ne-am mai vazut de mult. Am avut niste probleme cu a mea conexiune de internet si mult de invatat,ceea ce eu ca ar compensa pentru lipsa de actualizari. Azi se prevede a fi o zi plictisitoare,plina de invatat si baut cafea si, ei bine,de facut poze dupa prea multa cafea.Nu e chiar cea mai inspirata idee, dar ma ajuta sa-mi tin nivelul de energie sub control.Oricum, m-am gandit ce carti mi-au placut cel mai mult din cele citite pana acum , iar "Coco Chanel" este una dintre cele nominalizate,asa ca m-am gandit sa o trag si pe ea in poza.
Plus,acum cateva zile a fost Sf. Valentin , prin urmare , trebuie sa va arat si perechea mea : Oli este catelusa mea de 11 ani .O ador si cine altcineva sa fie perechea mea ,daca nu ea?
A,si va amintiti ca am zis la un moment dat de un articol in care urma sa apar ? Ei bine, a aparut si sunt atat de mandra! Si multumita articolului am realizat cati bloggeri de moda sunt defapt in Romania si am hotarat sa imi scriu postarile de acum incolo si in romana,sa-l fac mai accesibil publicului romanesc.

Cute post. I love the title and your dog, he/she is soooo cute. Also, cute clothes.
Wow! J'adore les photos! Ils sont vraiment super! Bravo;)
ReplyDeleteAngela Donava
hey, thank you for your comment! so sweet :)
ReplyDeletei love your cute little doggy. very lovely!
I love that you are reading a book on Coco Chanel!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for your sweet comment ! You have such a nice blog !
love your make up in the photos and definitely love that ur reading chanel!
ReplyDeletenow followin u come follow me!
I can't understand everything your blog says, but I love your style.
ReplyDeleteamazing blog and these photos are great!thanks for the comment:)and i hope you would return and follow me,'id be very happy!stay tuned for my review of Burberry's show in Milan this afternoon:)
Great blog honey, these pics Are very cute : )
Nice pics!
ReplyDeleteYour lil' dog is sooo cute!!!!
Cute post! I think the book is really a great book!
ReplyDeletefollow me? I'll be very happy if you do it!Thank you so much!
thanks for your comment girl
ReplyDeleteFollow bemathilde on blogger or bloglovin
I like your necklace in the article picture!
ReplyDeleteThanks for visiting my blog, I'd love if you followed!