Hello, sorry for the delay,but here are some photos of my birthday. Sorry it's been over a month since I should've posted them.
I might not be the best one to talk about blog success , since mine isn't that much of a hit , but in the few months I've been into this business , I've taught myself a couple of things.
1. If you want to get visitors, the first thing you have to realize is that your content (photos,ideas,manner of styling your speech) are appealing to the audiences. I am not talking about someone in particular, but there are people out there that do not own the slightest in fashion sense (maybe I'm one of them , who knows?) . Please, think about what you're writing and what you're wearing in your photos. I'm also talking about the quality of your shots. Even if you don't have a camera and use your phone, just ask someone else to take the photos of you , because they'll be a better fit.
2. Don't run around telling everyone how awesome your blog is and that they might come and visit you. I received lots of messages on IFB ,and I've read on other blogs too about this phenomenon : "Please come and visit my blog!" . It won't really get that person to see your blog. I must say I've followed those links when on my "Comment Challenge" and some of them were nice, but it's annoying .
3. Use commenting , smart commenting, nice commenting, interested commenting. No , don't just comment : "nice dress. Come visit my blog, maybe even follow."! I like to comment especially on the base of the written blog post . And please, don't say " I followed, want to follow?" . I've received my fair share so far and , though I must say I'd like my blog to be all famous and stuff, this won't bring you that much success .
4. The fulfillment of your blog does not count in how many people follow you or how many comment . Is all about the faithfull readers,those that come back with almost every post and that remember when you said, five posts ago,that you were planning to go to Chile in March and when March approaches start asking you if you've planned the trip.
As a final advice, try building your blog out of the love for blogging and fashion, not on material grounds, as fun as they might seem.
Salut,scuze pentru intarziere, dar uitati ca postez si niste poze de la ziua mea. Scuze ca a trecut mai mult de o luna de cand trebuia sa le postez.
Poate ca nu sunt eu cea mai in masura sa vorbesc despre succesul unui blog,avand in vedere ca al meu nu e chiar cel mai tare, dar in putinele luni de cand am intrat in "bransa", am invatat cateva chestii.
1.Daca vreti sa atrageti vizitatori , primul lucru pe care trebuie sa il realizati este acela ca al vostru continut (poze,idei,stilul de publicare) sa fie atractiv pentru public. Nu vorbesc despre o anumita persoana,dar sunt oameni care nu au nici cea mai mica legatura cu stilul (poate chiar si eu,cine stie?). Va rog, ganditi-va la ce scrieti si ce purtati in pozele pe care le publicati. De asemenea,vorbesc si despre calitatea pozelor.Chiar daca nu aveti o camera foto si va folositi telefonul , mai bine rugati pe altcineva sa faca pozele , vor fi incadrate mult mai bine.
2. Nu va duceti sa urlati in stanga si-n dreapta cat de genial e blogul vostru si ca ei trebuie sa va viziteze. Am primit multe mesaje , in general pe IFB , si am citit si la alti bloggeri despre fenomen : "Vino sa-mi vizitezi blogul" . Singurele dati in care chiar urmaresc linkul pe o alta pagina e atunci cand caut bloguri unde sa comentez cand am un anumit "goal" de commenturi pe luna respectiva. Unele bloguri au fost dragute,dar in general este foarte enervant.
3.Comentati destept,dragut si interesati. Nu comentati doar : "ce rochie draguta. Vino sa-mi vezi blogul!" . Si nici chestia cu urmaritul blogurilor nu-mi place. Urmaresc ce-mi place mie,ce mi se pare interesant. Chiar daca as vrea si eu ca blogul meu sa fie cunoscut si toate cele, asta nu o sa aduca succesul.
4. Implinirea blogului nu se numara in cati oameni il urmaresc sau cate comentarii aveti . Se refera mai ales la cititorii fideli , care vin inapoi cu aproape fiecare postare si care isi amaintesc de ce ai scris intr-o postare de acum cateva luni.
Ca sfat final, incercati sa va construiti blogul din iubirea pentru blogging si moda,nu pe baze materiale,chiar daca par foarte amuzante.

Shorts: Stradivarius
Blouse : Miss Selfridges
yes, I like your outfit, maybe there was some jewellery missing, or did you want it to be minimalist? :**
ReplyDeleteWhoah, that was such a cool post. I really enjoyed how you posted about you, and the way you gained success. That was so important! I really like your blog, and you've hit the content to a tee!
-Fashion Nerd
Thanks for comment in muy blog. Now following.
ReplyDeletexo xo
Hahaha, it's funny to see the commends you get after your 'tips' for an successive blog. Anyway, I love your look, it's very basic but really classy! xoxo
ReplyDeleteThis was really an interesting post. Your advices are so true!
I'm in love with your top, lovely!
ReplyDeletei'm following you! and i'll be happy if you follow me back! kisees Alinne
alinne,dear, I was already following<3
ReplyDeleteplus,thank you all for commenting !
great tip and well said. ;)
ReplyDeleteGreat pics ;)
ReplyDeletethanks a lot for the visit ;)
your blouse is amazing!
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comment!
Love your t-shirt
belated happy birthday! i really like the shots with snow(or rain?) falling! so cool! nice tips too :)
ReplyDeleteCheck my blog... DO YOU WANT TO WIN AN AMAZING BAG?????
NEW GIVEAWAY is coming!!! follor my blog :)
beautiful top!! And i agree completely on point2 :D
you are so gorgeous, that top blows me away!
Great post, and a happy belated birthday to you!
Great advice! Thanks! You look beautiful! :D
Missing Amsie Blog
Interesting post to read.
ReplyDeleteThanks for commenting on my blog...x
wow, great advice! blogging should absolutely be for fun!
ReplyDeleteI found you post very interesting!
ReplyDeletelove your outfit!
greta post dear:)x
Wow. Love your look, dear. You're gorgeous.
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by my blog. Hope you'll come back to visit. I'll sure be back to see more of you. Love, always
Karoline Kalvo
Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog. I read this post and I am really fascinated by the major points that you mentioned. The point that you made about the fulfillment of how many people comment and follow makes so much sense. It is all about if people really enjoy and relate to the things that you are writing about and if they want to return and become loyal followers of your blog. It is my personal goal to keep this ship afloat by staying true to the things that interest me, but also giving my readers what they deserve; original quality content.
ReplyDeleteThanks again,
Thanks for the great tips! I'm a pretty new blogger who is open to any advice! I really love how you stressed that bloggers should never ask other bloggers to visit their blog- I find that so annoying! Also, thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment! I really appreciate it! I love your blog- you've got fabulous style and a lot of great ideas! I'll definitely be back!
ReplyDeleteThanks again!