Hello ,dears ! Today I'm going to compare my two favourite mascaras . The idea of making a comparing review came to me after seeing a similar post on Honey Bunny's Blog. I've been using them for a while and I realised that I'm very pleased with both of them ,even though they have different qualities.
Buna,dragilor ! Azi m-am gandit sa compar cele 2 rimeluri favorite ale mele. Ideea de a le pune alaturi mi-a venit dupa ce am citit postarea de pe blogul lui Honey Bunny . Le folosesc deja de ceva timp si am realizat ca ma impac bine cu amandoua, desi au calitati diferite.
The first one is from Oriflame and it's called Hypnotic Wonderlash Mascara in Golden Embers . I tend to not use the glittery part though.
Why I love it ? Because it's really easy to put on , the brush covers evenly and it doesn't clutter . Seriously , add as many layers as you want and it will not clutter . It separates lashes perfectly and it adds both volume and lenght. Saddly , it doesn't add enough volume for an evening look, but on a daily basis, even 1 coating can be enough .
Also, the price is amazing : around 14 lei or 3 pounds .
Primul rimel este cel de la Oriflame ,care se numeste Hypnotic Wonderlash Mascara ,in nuanta Golden Embers. Totusi,nu prea folosesc partea cu sclipici.
De ce il iubesc? Pentru ca e usor de aplicat , periuta acopera uniform si nu se fac bobite pe gene. Serious, oricate straturi ati da, tot nu se strange tot intr-un loc. Separa genele perfect si nu numai ca le alungeste,dar le si da volum. Din pacate, nu le da atat de mult volum cat pentru un look de seara , dar pentru un machiaj de zi e perfect,chiar si un singur strat.
Oh,si pretul e genial : aproximativ 14 lei
Here is my bare eye / Ochiul curat :

Here is the first coating / Primul Strat :

The second coating / Al doilea strat :

Third Coating/Al treilea strat :

Lower lashes / Genele de jos :

The mascara and the brush / Rimelul si periuta :

The second one is The Colossal from Maybelline . I have it in the waterproof version and I must say that it is the waterproof mascara to go to .Also, it gives incredible volume and it makes your lashes really long, though it clutters a lot , sometimes even from the first coating . It resists on the eye all day long and it can be used both for evening looks and for day looks. I recommend it for summer because it persists a lot and because it costs around 25 lei or 5 pounds.
Cel de-al doilea este The Colossal de la Maybelline. Il am in varianta waterproof si trebuie sa spun ca la capitolul asta e perfect. De asemenea, da un volum incredibil si-ti face genele foarte lungi,desi se strange ,cateodata chiar de la primul strat. Rezista la ochi toata ziua si poate fi folosit si pentru machiaje de zi si pentru machiaje de seara. Il recomand pentru vara pentru ca e rezistent,iar pretul e undeva pe la 25 de lei.
Base eye / Ochiul curat :

First coating / Primul strat :

Second coating / Al doilea strat :

Third coating / Al treilea strat :

Mascara and brush / Rimelul si periuta :

Right eye is with Wonderlash and left eye is with Colossal / Ochiul drept e cu Wonderlash si cel stang cu Colossal :

Hope the review was helpful :)
Sper ca v-a fost de folos recenzia :)
Mi se pare ca ti se potriveste mai bine Wonder Lash :D Si eu le-am incercat pe ambele, Wonder Lash insa e rimelul meu preferat dintre cate am incercat, a intrat de mult la categoria holy grails si ma bucura enorm pretul pentru ca il pot achizitiona destul de des :Dpup!