Hello,darlings ! Like I've already posted a while ago something from Miniprix ,here we are again,this time because of a competition called My DressUp for bloggers. The application can be find on their facebook page , here .
The look I've designed can be found here . I named it "Stuck in beige"
Not having too many items to choose from , I opted for a "stripey" blouse in a combination of rather color-blocking shades. I really enjoy the mix of navy blue and orange and I also think that the beige shades of the upper top and of the pants make the outfit somewhat sophisticated , good for wearing both at work/school or at a night out with the girls. Same thing applies to the shoes : the heel is not very tall and they are just between the office and the club. I didn't want to over-accesorize,since the colors work that all out , so I settled for a bangles , vintage-golden one , on the left hand . Also,thanks to the model for having a haircut just fit for my outfit.
Please be free to join the competition if you're also a fashion blogger that's been active for more than 4 months and has written atleast 20 beautiful articles :)
Next time , I promise photos from an event I organised called "Sprechen you francais?" at my highschool.
Buna,dragilor! Am postat acum ceva timp ceva de pe Miniprix si acum revin . De data aceasta datorita unui concurs care se numeste My DressUp pentru bloggeri. Aplicatia poate fi gasita pe pagina lor de facebook, aici .
Look-ul pe care l-am creat poate fi vazut aici . L-am numit "Stuck in beige".
Neavand prea multe elemente din care sa aleg,am optat pentru o bluzita dungata ,intr-o combinatie de nuante numai bune de color-block. Imi place foarte tare combinatia de albastru inchis si portocaliu si chiar cred ca nuantele de bej din partea de sus a topului si de pe pantaloni fac outfitul destul de sofisticat, bun si pentru purtat la scoala/servici , dar si la o iesire de seara cu fetele. Acelasi lucru cred ca se-aplica si pantofilor : tocul nu e foarte inalt si arata buni si de liceu ,si de club.
Pe de alta parte,n-am vrut sa incarc prea tare tinuta si-am ales o singura bratara , mai ales ca deja era outfitul atat de colorat. Bratara e aurie, usor vintage ,amplasata pe mana stanga. Ii multumesc modelului pentru coafura care se preteaza perfect tinutei
Sunteti liberi sa va inscrieti si voi in concurs ,mai ales daca aveti un blog de moda activ de cel putin 4 luni si cu cel putin 20 de postari :) .
Data viitoare promit poze de la "Sprechen you francaise?" ,organizat de mine in liceu :)
Nice outfit! I love the blouse! Kisses
ReplyDeletei like the pieces that you chose...and the title is perfect for it!!