Hello, dears! My post title sounds a little bit off right now, doesn't it? But you should know that you can get some pretty amazing deals if you start from now. And what I adore most about Christmas? The fact that it's the perfect time for feeling loved.
This year I'm a planning this big dinner with many of my friends : pork, sarmale, traditional food, red wine and so on, listening to carols and just having a great time around the tree. And since I want to feel so special, I think I need a great outfit. So, where do we start from? Well the shoes, ofcourse!
I've made a selection of shoes that I think are suitable for your Christmas parties and that work along with current trends!
Buna, dragilor! Asa-i ca titlul postarii de azi suna destul de sarit de pe fix? Dar ar trebui sa stiti ca gasiti niste reduceri incredibile daca v-apucati de-acum de cumparaturi.
Stiti ce ador eu la Craciun? Faptul ca e momentul perfect sa ma simt iubita.
Anul acesta planuiesc o cina mare cu multi prieteni: fripturi de porc, sarmale, mancare traditionala, vin rosu si altele, noi ascultand colinde si distrandu-ne in jurul pomului de Craciun. Si de vreme ce vreau sa ma simt atat de speciala, cred ca am nevoie de un outfit potrivit. Deci, de unde incepem? De la pantofi, normal!
Am selectat niste perechi de pantofi care, cred eu, se potrivesc petrecerilor de Craciun si care merg mana-n mana cu trendurile actuale!

And will you please "like" my Fashiolista list here?
Wrapping up warm to watch the Fireworks | Fashiolista
And will you please "like" my Fashiolista list here?
Wrapping up warm to watch the Fireworks | Fashiolista
Sunt super yummy toti:D Delicios!
love the shoes! fab blog- i found u on the next blogger network!